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Access to 15 million users
Access to 15 million users
More e-wallet options
More e-wallet options
1-tap checkout
1-tap checkout
Enable conversion to Chinese yuan (CNY)
Enable conversion to Chinese yuan (CNY)
High standard security
High standard security

E-Wallet Partners

We are connected to the best e-wallets

Integration Options

Virtual Terminal
Virtual Terminal

With Fiuu VT, your phone is not just a phone. You can accept e-wallet, online payment, card and other payment methods through Fiuu VT app. With just a download, your phone can hold the same function of POS system, or even better.

Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway

With e-wallet payment gateway, customers who use e-wallet can get thier order processed with only 1 tap without logging in!

Your one-stop payment partner for business growth.

Sign Up
Comprehensive Payment Channels

Comprehensive Payment Channels

Unlock over 110 major payment methods across Southeast Asia.

One Integration, One Platform

One Integration, One Platform

Enables business to accept local and cross-border payments in Southeast Asia.

Seamless, Easy, and Instant

Seamless, Easy, and Instant

Sign up with digital on-boarding and start accepting payment within minutes.